Hair - bonbon - leifang hair pack
Skin come with 6 Tons.
Head - [AK BabyX] - Head #05
Body - ~ToddleeDoo - Baby (v.4.2.8)
body skin comes with two body options, Slim chubby 10 colors.
Bear - {Lula Belle} Love Bear Common - SUNSHINE Hold
Set - Baby Smell - Lulu Set (Unicorn)@Roselline
Available in 6 colors.
Sizes: LullaB Body, TD-Baby Fitted and Bebe.
Shoes - .Tippy.Tap. Clarissa Baby Shoes - FATPACK
Customization HUD Include: 12 main colors
Packs - 4 extras
Rigged for TODDLEEDOO Fitted
Fits - ShrinkeeDoo, TippyToes
Material ON/OFF
Customization HUD Include: 12 main colors
Packs - 4 extras
Rigged for TODDLEEDOO Fitted
Fits - ShrinkeeDoo, TippyToes
Material ON/OFF